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We are indebted to those nation-builders, nation - lovers, guides, visionaries, eminent personalities, artistes, industrialists (whose photographs are exhibited here) and express our profound respect and gratitude, who have inspired us with their encouraging thoughts in our assemblies and meetings. We have always been encouraged by their proper, valuable and thoughtful reviews. We convey our best wishes from the innermost core of our hearts to these renowned personalities for their continuous contribution towards the overall progress of our motherland and human society.

Shri Subrata Roy Sahara, Our Chief Guardian ...

...with Nobel Laureate Late Mother Teresa
... with Her Excellency, Former President of
India, Mrs. Pratibha Patil

... with the Hon’ble Former Prime Minister of India,
Dr. Manmohan Singh
  ... with the Former President of United States of America, Mr. Barack H. Obama and
First Lady Mrs. Michelle Obama

... with His Royal Highness, Prince of Wales, Prince Charles
... with Mr. Bill Clinton, Former President of USA
& his daughter Ms. Chelsea

... with Mrs. Cherie Blair and Mr. John Barcow
Former Hon�ble speaker , House of Commons
... with His Holiness, The Dalai Lama

... with Late Shankaracharya,
Badrikaashram Peeth
... with Former Shahi Imam of Jama
Masjid, Delhi, Late Abdullah Bukhari

... with Renowned Yogacharya, Swami
Ram Dev
... with His Excellency Former President
of India, Late K.R. Narayanan